Monday, August 31, 2015

5th Month Hair Growth Update (10-2-15)

My 122 Days Update #Natural #Hair #Growth . I used the #Wild #Growth Oil and I am pleased with results. Even though it is growing, my back is the thickest and my 

brushed upward give my hair the illusion of  being thick.
when brushed upward conceal the thin area to give the illusion of full head of hair

brushed upward give my hair the illusion of  being thick.

very thin but growing

Very thin look when brushed straight back and down. You can see that the hair is thickest in a patch.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Healthy Roots Dolls

Please SUPPORT a up and coming toy company.

DOLLS! They come in different skin tones, hair textures and facial features to represent the beauty of the African Diaspora.

These ladies dolls were created (quoted)
"Our dolls combat internalized racism and colorism by getting to the root of the problem: diversity and knowledge! Our research has shown that mothers resort to relaxing their daughters' hair due to time constraints, lack of knowledge about natural haircare, and the desire to appeal to mainstream beauty standards. Through our line of dolls our mission is to educate children and mothers about the joy and beauty of natural hair."

In order to launch the dolls they need your support! Healthy Roots' goals are to increase representation among young girls of color while combatting internalized racism and colorism. We want to empower Black girls to achieve their dreams. Click on this Healthy Roots to be directed to their website for further information.

Monday, August 24, 2015


PLEASE SUPPORT +Kellie Jackson at Earths Natural Secrets
Read her story and SUPPORT a very worthy cause. She shares with you about her heart for BethVictors Christian Schools in Kenya. 

Also please take the time and order her products because with each purchase 

Earth’s Natural Secrets is now offering Hair & Body Treats!! Earth’s Natural Secrets donates 10% of each sale to BethVictors Christian School in Kenya. Please email her for more info: (NOTE: I placed my order on Saturday)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Silica-The Forgotten Nutrient - alive

Silica-The Forgotten Nutrient - alive
 Siegfried Gursche
Often overlooked, silica forms the foundation of life as we know it. There are dozens of ways to get your daily dose of this wonder mineral—find out how to bolster your silica consumption and foster shiny hair, strong bones, and supple skin. - 
(See more by clicking on the title to be directed to the website)